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Accomodation Sofitel Munich Bayerpost Munich  Munich
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Sofitel Munich Bayerpost
Sofitel Munich Bayerpost Smile 

Sofitel Munich Bayerpost  

Bayerstrasse 12 80335 Munich   More info
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The Sofitel Munich Bayerpost welcomes you to the heart of Munich. Our hotel guarantees hours of exclusivity with our one-of-a-kind Spa Lagune and excellent restaurant, bistro and bar offerings. From August 1-31, 2011, we will be carrying out renovation work on our Maisonette and Junior Suites. During this period, only our ground-floor Junior and Prestige Suites will be available. Likewise, our spa area will be closed from August 22-31, 2011 inclusive as it is being remodeled into a 'SoSpa.'

Sofitel Munich Bayerpost Munich ligger i Munich, og kan tilbyde dig et velbeliggende Hotel.
Hvis du vælger Sofitel Munich Bayerpost Munich, eller bare en velfortjent pause på Sofitel Munich Bayerpost Munich, kan du opleve følgende, blandt mange andre attraktioner i Munich.

Sofitel Munich Bayerpost, clik på Sofitel Munich Bayerpost Munich og reserver plads direkte på Sofitel Munich Bayerpost hjemmeside. I kort afstand fra Sofitel Munich Bayerpost i Munich, kan du vælge en af de mange Restauranter og spisesteder i Munich

Telefon:      Sofitel Munich Bayerpost   Homepage: Sofitel Munich Bayerpost

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